|RConstitution:|N Republic. French Overseas Territory.
|RNature and climate:|N Two groups of vulcanic islands in the central Pacific Ocean. 240 to 400 km northeast of Fiji.
The Wallisgroup 23 islands, total area 159 km². The Futunagroup, the two islands Futuna and Alofi, area together 115 km².
|RPeople:|N Mainly local Polynesian people, many live traditional in self-subsistent households. More than 10 000 natives live abroad, mainly in New Caledonia.
|REconomy:|N Chief products are copra, cassava, yams, taro roots and bananas.
|RHistory:|N The islands were discovered by British sailors 1767 and conquered by France in 1842. French dependency since then. The status was in 1961 changed to Overseas Territory.